President Barack Obama's intelligence chief confirmed Thursday that some Guantanamo inmates may be released on US soil and receive assistance to return to society.
"If we are to release them in the United States, we need some sort of assistance for them to start a new life," said National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair at his first press conference.
"You can't just put them on the street," he added. "All that is work in progress."
Twenty men detained at the remote US naval base at Guantanamo Bay in southern Cuba have been cleared of terrorism charges, including 17 Chinese Uighurs ordered released by a US court in June, (Although all of them admit to receiving weapons, explosive and terrorist training in al Qaeda training camps and belonged to groups involved with attempts to disrupt the 2008 Olympics), seven years after their arrest. But the US says they may face persecution if returned to China. (Oh the horror that terrorists might face persecution!)
None of the 17 Uighurs are master terrorists on par with the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. They were mostly new recruits at the time of their capture.
They are all affiliated with and/or members of a designated terrorist organization, received training at a training camp in the al Qaeda and Taliban stronghold of Tora Bora, and have admitted that they were trained by two known terrorists. And, on top of that, the group that trained them threatened to attack the Olympic Games in China last year.
"If we are to release them in the United States, we need some sort of assistance for them to start a new life," said National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair at his first press conference.
"You can't just put them on the street," he added. "All that is work in progress."
Welcome to Liberalthink 101.
You know why liberals think the way they do?
Because there never is any consequences for their actions.
Just look at Dodd, Frank and Rangle as examples. Oh wait, even better. Clinton lies to a grand jury, lies to the American people while wagging his fingers, gets impeached and instead of being disgraced he earns over a hundred million dollars for giving speeches to adoring crowds.
So when any of these people is caught in an act of terrorism or blows up a mall, a school or calling for Jihad in American mosques the administation and the Democrat party doesn't expect any real or damaging backlash.
But going back to Liberalthink 101, when these terrorists are released into the USA they will have the full protection of the Constitution. They may very well become instant celebrities. They will be surrounded by a flocked by drooling lawyers. Right out of the al Qaeda play book they will lie about their innocence and their treatment. They or their lawyers will do it on Ophra, 60 Minutes, Charlie Rose, Hardball, 20/20, Dateline, The NY Times They will make Club Gitmo the new Black Hole of Calcutta. Their assertions will be believed by a sizable portion of the American people and all this will be just as we enter the 2010 election season.